About Me

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Fairbanks, Ak, United States
Well, almost done with the Wheel of time series, only 2 more books to get caught up on and then I'll be waiting for the next one like everyone else.

I should say this

All characters depicted are © and ™ to their respective companies. Which include, Marvel Comics, DC Comics, and others.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Nick Fury 2012 pre-production

As many of us know, Samuel Jackson makes a mean Nick Fury, the movie Nick Fury is currently in pre-production with Neal McDonough slated to play Dum Dum Dugan.  Jackson, along with others, is going to be very busy with Marvel Productions for the next couple of years making all these new releases.
Nick Fury, IMDB


  1. My friend still prefers the cigar-chomping grizzled white Fury, lord knows why. It doesn't get any better than Jackson!

  2. I love the ultimate universe version of Nick Fury.
    They just haven't found anyone to pull off the other one. Greg Hasselhoff, come on! what were they thinking.
